Our updated policy on COVID-19

To our extended Irongate Equine Family, 

Your health, our health, the public health, and the health of your horse(s) are all critical to us during this unprecedented time.  We want you to know that we are still here to take care of your horse's health care needs despite what is going on around us all.  We will be seeing patients with changes to our normal spring operating procedures that will depend on your individual situation and horses needs.  Many elective and routine care procedures may be scheduled at a later time in order for us to ensure continued care for all our patients during this time frame.   

Please continue to schedule all appointments your horse may require.  Our staff or one of our veterinarians will discuss with you how we can best meet you and your horse's needs, whether this be with an immediate or scheduled appointment, a telemedicine visit or a phone consultation. 

In order to make our farm visits as safe as possible for all of us, we ask that you limit the number of people attending the appointment to only pertinent members of your horse's care team.  If you or a family member are ill, we ask that you let us know prior to the appointment so we, as a team, can make arrangements to have an assistant either with us or at the farm to assist with the work to be done. 

This is a difficult time for us all and we want to be available to our clients and patients as safely as possible for ourselves, our staff and our families.  Please understand that our policies may change as we go forward, day by day, through this pandemic based on recommendations from the government and our veterinary governing bodies. 

We thank you for your understanding, patience and continued support of Irongate Equine Clinic.

With Kind Regards,

The Irongate Equine Clinic Team